Course Curriculum

    1. My Prayer For YOU

    2. How To Join The Members Only Facebook Group

    3. How To Accelerate Your Growth

    4. How Kingdom Life Academy Works


    2. EXPLORE Pathway Workbook

    3. How To Maximize Your Time In The Word

    4. Spending Time With the Holy Spirit

    5. Understanding the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

    6. Getting To Know The Holy Spirit

    7. Practical Ways To Partner with the Holy Spirit

    8. How To Communicate with the Holy Spirit

    9. Prayer To Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

    10. Prayer For Deeper Encounters with the Holy Spirit


    2. ENCOUNTER Pathway Workbook

    3. Discovering the Power of Words

    4. Change Your Life By Changing Your Words

    5. What Seeds Are You Planting?

    6. What's In Your Heart?

    7. Words Have Influence


    2. EQUIP Pathway Workbook

    3. How To Do Life With The Holy Spirit

    4. How To Hear The Holy Spirit's Voice

    5. How To Keep Being Filled

    6. How To Partner with the Holy Spirit

    7. Just Say Yes...Trust Me!

    8. Habitation vs. Visitation

    9. The #1 Key To Partnering with the Holy Spirit


    2. EMPOWER Pathway Workbook

    3. What You Need To Know Before You Start This Pathway

    4. Aligning With The Word of God

    5. The Power of Words

    6. Giving Up The Right To Be Right

    7. You Have A Choice

    8. Boundaries vs. Walls

    9. Choosing Connection

    10. Encountering the Godhead

    11. Recognizing Promotion

    12. Yes

    13. Look For The Opportunity

    14. Finding The Gift

    15. Defining Success

    16. Do What You Can Do

    17. Give Your Heart A Voice

    18. Mourning Leads To Joy

    19. Exchanging Lies

    20. Forgiving Yourself

    21. Killing Shame

    22. You Can Only Go So Far Alone

    23. Find Your Tribe

    24. Give Yourself Grace

    25. Walk In Humility

    26. The Word Is Absolute

    27. Hope Deferred

    28. Hope Does Not Dissappoint

    29. We Need People

    30. Triggers

    31. Yield

    32. Confidence + Humility

    33. Closing Prayer

    1. What Is Freedom?

    2. Key #1 - Surrender

    3. Key #2 - Trust

    4. Key #3 - Risk

About this course

  • $47.00 / month
  • 87 lessons
  • 13 hours of video content